Saturday, April 20, 2013

Living After the Manner of Happiness: Health

To continue this blog series on happiness the next topic is 'health.'  Those who know me well know that I am definitely not the one to talk to about a healthy lifestyle, especially considering my breakfast this morning was leftover pizza.  Actually, during my mission I have had many "breakfasts of champions."  Below is a picture of my breakfast one in morning while I was serving in Mayfield, KY:  Cap'n Crunch, Ski (an awesome lemon orange soda), and of course my daily vitamin supplements (that's healthy right?).

Okay now that we've established how unqualified I am to talk about health, I'm going to share some observations I've had about the happiness of those who do live healthy.

While I was serving in Mayfield there were three people that were awesome examples to me about the benefits that come from being  healthy.  The first was a member there who is a hard core runner.  And when I say hard core I mean hard core.  She has run 20+ marathons and did a 50 miler.  I frequently would ask her questions about running because I was just so amazed to know someone who found so much enjoyment from running.  Seriously foreign concept to me.  But she told me that she finds a lot of happiness and satisfaction in running.  She inspired me so much that I'm considering training for a half marathon.  (I'm not ambitious enough to try a marathon.)

The other two people who were great examples to me of health were Elder and Sister Pack, the senior missionary couple who also served in Mayfield.  They are the healthiest people I know.  I've never met people who are so aware of what they eat.  It was an inspiration to me because I'll eat pretty much anything and I realized I should be way more aware of what I actually put in my mouth.  It's really clear to see the blessings they receive from their healthy lifestyle because they are enjoying great health as they are "advancing in years."

I absolutely believe that as we choose to be more healthy, whether that means we change our diet or increase our activity level, we are going to feel a great measure of happiness.  The Lord cares about our health and our well-being.  He cares so much about it that He gave us the Word of Wisdom, a law of health. 

The Lord revealed this commandment to us through the Prophet Joseph Smith and promised, "And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; and shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint."
(D&C 89:18-20)

Those are some amazing blessings promised to us and I hope we all will identify ways we can be more healthy.  I for one am going to start by committing right now to not eat pizza for breakfast.  And I'll avoid the Cap'n Crunch and Ski breakfast combo.

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