Wednesday, October 30, 2013

We Value People (part 4)

My family motto continues on by teaching us about three guideposts we can follow in our lives so that we can someday return to live with our Heavenly Follow.  These three guides are prophets, the prinicples of the gospel, and the promises we make with God.

Because our Heavenly Father loves all of His children, He has consistenly sent, throughout the history of the earth, prophets to guide and teach us.  We can learn from ancient prophets as we study the scriptures.  As I have studied the Bible and the Book of Mormon, I have found answers to my questions and direction and guidance for my life.  And we are extremely blessed today to have a living prophet and apostles who continue to teach us and counsel us.  (Click here to read what the living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, shared just a few weeks ago.)

A principle is a basic doctrine, truth, or law.  In the fourth Article of Faith we learn that the first principles of the gospel are faith and repentance.  What is faith?  I have learned that faith in Jesus Christ means that we trust Him and we put our confidence in Him.  Our faith will grow as we read the scriptures and pray because we will come to know Him better and realize that we can absolutely, without hesitation trust Him.  As our faith in Christ grows, we recognize our need to repent.  Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be completely forgiven of our sins. We will experience lasting peace in our lives as we diligently exercise our faith in Christ and as we daily repent of our sins and shortcomings.

When we are baptized we make certain promises with God.  These promises are also known as covenants.  At baptism we specifically promise that we will take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, always remember Him, keep His commandments, and serve Him to the end.  As we keep this covenant or promise, Heavenly Father promises us that we will always have the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  It is a sacred privilege and responbility to make covenants.  In temples we have the opportunity to make more promises with our Heavenly Father.  Temples are holy places and are a source of great joy and peace in our lives.
Following ancient and modern prophets, the principles of the gospel, and the promises we make through sacred ordinances will bless our lives.  Our goal is to return to live with our Heavenly Father and following these three P's will guide us and keep us on the path that leads us back to Him.

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